Android x86

Revision as of 06:42, 5 May 2010 by Tom ronda (talk | contribs) (Development)
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Android x86 is a software port to normal pc s. Android x86 Homepage

The current stable release is Android-x86 1.6-r2, based upon donut.

DONUT 1.6 r2

short steps to get a running system

Running the system from boot medium CD or USB-Stick

  • download CD-Image android-x86-1.6-r2.iso or USB-Image android-x86-1.6-r2_usb.img.gz
  • burn cd image or for the usb-image use the following commands on a linux box "gunzip" and "dd if=android-x86-1.6-r2_usb.img of=/dev/sda" (of=/dev/sda is depending on where your linux mounted your usb-stick)
  • boot from created medium and choose the first menu entry "Live USB - Run Android-x86 without Installation"
  • in android goto settings/sound & display/screen timeout and set to "never timeout"

run the system from harddisk

s. as well the installation section on

  • boot from CD or USB-Stick android x86 boot menu choose the fourth option "Installation - Install Android-x86 1.6-r2 to harddisk"
  • select "Create/Modify partitions" and create a bootable partition with cfdisk
  • select created partition e.g. sda1 and format with e.g. ext3
  • install GRUB by selecting 'yes'
  • reboot system and boot from harddisk and select the default menu entry "Android-x86 1.6-r2"
  • in android goto settings/sound & display/screen timeout and set to "never timeout"

details for a running system


for mounting an sd card see [1]


  • HOME <- windows key left
  • BACK <- esc
  • MENU <- menu-key

touchscreen or mouse

touch the right end of statusbar to activate or deactivate the following functions

  • HOME <- touch status bar
  • MENU <- touch statusbar from left to right.
  • BACK <- touch t statusbar from right to left.


Keys on ASUS EeePC

Fn-F7, F8, F9, 
some models are
Fn-F10, F11, F12


Some notebooks also have volume adjustment hotkeys 

raise sound volume in shell

* change screen to console 1, press Alt+F1 
* enter 
  "alsa_amixer cset numid=1 31" for 'Front Playback Volume' and/or 
  "alsa_amixer cset numid=20 31" for 'Master Playback Volume'  and/or
  "alsa_amixer cset numid=3 31" for 'Speaker Playback Volume'
* go back to graphic screen,  press Alt+F7

x86 PCs with normal keyboard

rear panel audio jack and front panel audio jack depend on the setting of 'Front Playback Volume' alsa_amixer sound setting


application errors

  • menu /settings/about phone/System tutorial -> Sorry! The application settings (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.


improvements/request for changes

  • set "settings/sound & display/screen timeout" to "never timeout" as for an x86 system there is no need to timeout an new users don't know what happens.




keyboard layouts see /system/usr/keylayout/

command to get events: getevent

Keymaps and Keyboard Input, a detailed description

File Infos

  1. system.sfs - squash filesystem
  2. system.img - ext2 file Image

hand made changes on an usb-Stick Android 1.6 r2

File content of an usb-stick

├── android-system
│   ├── initrd.img
│   ├── install.img
│   ├── kernel
│   ├── ramdisk.img
│   └── system.sfs
├── android-x86.xpm.gz
├── cmdline
├── grub4dos
├── kernel -> grub4dos
├── lost+found
├── menu.lst
└── ramdisk
2 directories, 11 files

steps to change files in system.sfs (system.img)

* Ubuntu 10.4 box
* change to shell, press strg+alt+F1
* sudo -i 
* aptitude and install squashfs-tools
* modprobe squashfs
* cd /home/administrator
* copy system.sfs (squash file system) to harddisk, in /home/administrator
* mkdir systemsfs
* mount ./system.sfs ./systemsfs -t squashfs -o loop
* copy ./systemsfs/system.img /home/administrator/
* mkdir systemimg
* mount ./system.img ./systemimg -t ext2 -o loop

now cd to systemimg directory and make the changes

yaffs2 - filesystem

* download unyaffs2 s. description ; extract to yaffs2util
* download snapshot as described in, extract the source file to directory yaffs2 
* change ~/yaffs2util/Makefile with vi and set "KERNELDIR	= /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-21" ; depending on the location of your header files
* execute make
* goto subfolder ~/yaffs2util/src and copy mkyaffs2 and unyaffs2 to /home/administrator/bin 
* execute: PATH=$PATH:/home/administrator/bin