LeapFrog Pollux Platform: Kernel Configuration

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There are various options that can be set when compiling a Linux kernel for the LeapFrog Pollux Platform. In the linux-2.6/ kernel directory you will find a file called .config, you may need to turn on "View Hidden Files" or ls -al in terminal to see it. This file is where your configuration options are stored. There are also several default config files listed in the SOURCE_CODE/linux-2.6/arch/arm/configs directory. The ones we are interested in are prefixed with lf1000_.

There is two ways to edit your configuration files, either with a text editor, or the make menuconfig GUI. This tutorial will go over the basics of editing your config file. Tutorials referencing this, should supply you with the options you need to configure, which this guide will help you apply.

Using Preexisting Config

LeapFrog provides a couple different config files in their sources, listed in the SOURCE_CODE/linux-2.6/arch/arm/configs directory, prefixed with lf1000_. If one of these files has all the settings you need, or atleast a good start on the ones you want to set, you can easily make it your default config file by running this command.

make <config_file>

This copies the lf1000_<config> file to the main directory and renames it .config, you can then proceed to build your kernel from here, or if you require some more options to be set, continue on.

GUI Editor

The GUI editor makes it rather easy to edit your config file, as everything is categorized for you, making options easy to find. To start the menuconfig program, in a terminal move to your LeapFrog Linux source directory of choice, and into the main kernel directory, usually named something like linux-2.6/

From the command line run the command

$ make menuconfig

insert picture here

Manual Config Editing

If you would prefer to use a text editor, you can open the .config file in your editor of choice. Or copy one of the predefined ones to your main directory and rename it .config and then open it in your text editor. You will see a long list of options. Comment out to deselect the option, or uncomment and change "#OPTION is not set" to "OPTION=y" to enable it.