Rubus Documentation

Revision as of 10:53, 31 May 2012 by Crouthamela (talk | contribs) (Core Setup)
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SD Card Setup

  1. Go to Raspberry Pi Downloads.
  2. Download the latest version of the Arch Linux ARM ZIP file.
  3. Follow the Easy SD Card Setup instructions on the RPi Wiki to transfer the image to the SD card.
  4. Follow the Hardware Basic Setup instructions on the RPI Wiki to get your peripherals connected.
  5. Delete or rename the config.txt on the SD card if the HDMI output is blank when it boots.

Core Setup

  1. Upon boot, login with "root/root" and get an IP address with "dhcpcd eth0".
  2. Edit /etc/rc.conf and /etc/hosts to change hostname to "rubus"
  3. Set time, date, and timezone to UTC according to directions at: Time - ArchWiki
  4. Sync the mirror and update all packages on the system: Beginners Guide - ArchWiki
  5. Make a new user called "teacher" with same password with "adduser" command: Adding a User - ArchWiki
  6. Set nano as default editor in .bashrc file for "teacher" user.
  7. Install base-devel (pacman -S base-devel) and yaourt (pacman -S yaourt)
  8. Run "pacman-key --init" and generate enough entropy for it to complete by installing and running rng-tools: Entropy Issues
  9. Install "sudo" package, run "visudo" as root and uncomment the "wheel" line: Sudo
  10. Setup ALSA: ALSA
  11. Setup Xorg, dbus, fonts, etc: GUI
  12. Setup LXDE and LXDM (autostart, end user processes on logout): LXDE
  13. Install librsvg, libdvdcss, ca-certificates, gstreamer0.10-good-plugins
  14. Install cups, cups-pdf