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This page is about Pin Multiplex (PinMux) on BeagleBoard (OMAP3). OMAP3 chip has less balls (pins) than the internal logic provides functionality. So each ball (pin) of OMAP3 can have different functionality (e.g. GPIO or I2C.TX). This is controlled by OMAP3 chip internal registers. This page tries to give some details where some info about OMAP3 pin mux can be found in hardware and how this is controlled by software, mainly U-Boot and Linux kernel. The information on this page can be used then e.g. to re-configure pins exposed at Beagle's expansion connector.



Details of OMAP35x PinMux can be found in OMAP35x Applications Processor TRM (spruf98b.pdf) in section Pad Multiplexing Register Fields (page 814).



Details of Beagle's expansion header usage can be found in BeagleBoard System Reference Manual in table 20 Expansion connector signals (page 96).



Controlling the hardware interface (i.e. writing the registers with appropriate values) described above can be done by any software. Up to know, default configuration is that initial pin mux is done by bootloader U-Boot, and later can be overwritten by Linux kernel.

  • Default configuration is that pin mux is set board specific by U-Boot and kernel's pin mux is disabled (i.e. kernel's CONFIG_OMAP_MUX is not set, see below).
  • Kernel's pin mux is known to be somehow broken. While different boards need different pin mux, recent Linux kernel has only one pin mux configuration, which then obviously don't fit any special board. Therefore, kernel's pin mux (see below) is disabled unless you enabled it intentionally. Kernel's pin mux needs some major re-write.


Main PinMux configuration in done in bootloader U-Boot. For beagle, see file board/omap3/beagle/beagle.h.


Linux kernel

Some additional PinMux configuration is done by Linux kernel, too. Note that this has to be enabled by CONFIG_OMAP_MUX, else this isn't executed. This is done in file arch/arm/mach-omap2/mux.c (section CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP34XX).


