EBC Exercise 37 Logging to Sheets

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thumb‎ Embedded Linux Class by Mark A. Yoder

Here are instructions on how to log data to a Google Sheet from JavaScript or Python.

Create a new Sheet

Create a new sheet by:

  • Going to https://sheets.google.com and clicking to Start a new spreadsheet, Blank
  • Give the sheet a meaningful name
  • Enter some column labels

Blank Google Sheet

  • Note the sheetID in the path


Get Credentials

Go to the class repo and change to the sheets directory

bone$ cd exercises/iot/google/sheets

If you are using JavaScipt, go to https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/nodejs and follow steps 1 and 2.

If you are using Python, got to https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/python and follow steps 1 and 2.

Either way put the credentials.json file in the sheets directory.

Run the example


  • Edit demo.py and change the sheetID string to the string you noted above.
  • Run the example on your Bone. The arguments are the values to be logged on the sheet.
bone$ ./demo.py --noauth_local_webserver
bone$ ./demo.py 3.14 10

The first time you will have to paste a URL into your browser and paste a string back to the Bone. You can leave off the --noauth_local_webserver after the first time.


  • Edit demo.js and change the sheetID string to the string you noted above.
  • Then, run the example on your Bone. The arguments are the values to be logged on the sheet.
bone$ ./demo.js 3.14 10

The first time you will have to paste a URL into your browser and paste a string back to the Bone.

Plot the Data

Go to your Google sheet and the new data, and a time stamp should be there.

  • Select the A column and select Format:Number:Date time

Formatting the Date

  • Select all the columns and click Insert chart

Insert chart

  • Select Line chart
  • Select Use row 1 as headers
  • Select Use column A as labels

Chart formatting options

Your data should be plotted. Try running your script again and the chart will update.

thumb‎ Embedded Linux Class by Mark A. Yoder