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(External Interfaces - Pi Camera)
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== External Interfaces - Pi Camera ==
== External Interfaces - Pi Camera ==
= raspistill =
=== raspistill ===
If you have a PiCamera and wants to have a picture on a web page. The cool thing with this is that it's in real time, it is not a file that is served but a new picture is taken when you do the web call. Check that /opt/vc/bin/raspistill works on your system, then replace the code in examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl with the following: (Then follow the Gertboard example for compiling and running).  
If you have a PiCamera and wants to have a picture on a web page. The cool thing with this is that it's in real time, it is not a file that is served but a new picture is taken when you do the web call. Check that /opt/vc/bin/raspistill works on your system, then replace the code in examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl with the following: (Then follow the Gertboard example for compiling and running).  
Line 135: Line 135:
Note: The suggested way to call the port directly from examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl is just to make it easy. In a real website with thousands of users you should open the port from a separate process and let it run and serve more than one web call.
Note: The suggested way to call the port directly from examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl is just to make it easy. In a real website with thousands of users you should open the port from a separate process and let it run and serve more than one web call.
= raspivid =
=== raspivid ===
raspivid can create a h264 video file, and with the command line parameter -o - it will stream to stdout. Below is an Erlang module that takes this stream, slices it in 10 second chunks and sends these slices over a websocket connection to a webserver.
raspivid can create an h264 video file, and with the command line parameter -o - it will stream to stdout. Below is an Erlang module that takes this stream, slices it in 10 second chunks and sends these slices over a websocket connection to a webserver.

Revision as of 00:47, 19 March 2014

Erlang on RPi, starting with a fresh wheezy-raspbian image. Erlang takes a couple of hours to compile (when you run "make").

sudo apt-get install wget
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev
wget http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_src_R16B03.tar.gz
tar -xzvf otp_src_R16B03.tar.gz
cd otp_src_R16B03/
sudo make install

You start the interactive shell with erl and quit with Ctrl-g q. Read about Erlang here [1]


On this page I will show how to use Erlang on RPi to put a sensor value from Gertboard on the web using an interface written in Forth and how to put a picture from Pi Camera on the web.

A Web Server

Erlang is a perfect language to use for programming a web server, and that is exactly what Loïc Hoguin did. [2] Cowboy is one of the most scalable web servers there is and it's also small so it fits nicely in a RPi. I was thinking of using it to display the kW load from my Atlast Forth interface to Gertboard. Here is how I did it, first install the cowboy web server and test run it:

sudo apt-get install git
git clone git://github.com/extend/cowboy.git
cd cowboy

To make it run you first have to tell it to accept HTTP:

cd ~/cowboy/ebin
cp examples/hello_world/src/hello_world.app.src ./hello_world.app
erlc ../examples/hello_world/src/*.erl
cd ..
cp examples/hello_world/start.sh .

Start a browser and point it to your RPi:8080, eg

External interfaces - Gertboard

Erlang processes communicate with the outside world using the same message passing mechanism as used between Erlang processes. This mechanism is used for communication with the host operating system and for interaction with programs written in other languages. If required for reasons of efficiency, a special version of this concept allows e.g. C programs to be directly linked into the Erlang runtime system. The easy way is good enough so just open a port to Atlast Forth in the file examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl. Replace toppage_handler.erl with the following:

%% @doc Hello world handler.


init(_Transport, Req, []) ->
        {ok, Req, undefined}.

handle(Req, State) ->
  Port = open_port({spawn, "./priv/atlast -i./priv/kwh.atl"}, [{line,40}]),
  Port ! {self(), {command, "1 gertboard\n"}},
  Port ! {self(), {command, "w\n"}},
    {Port,{data,{eol,D}}} -> D
  after 20*1000 -> D = "timeout"
  Port ! {self(), {command, "0 gertboard\n"}},
  {ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(200, [], D, Req),
  {ok, Req2, State}.

terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->

cd to ebin and compile the file:

cd ~/cowboy/ebin
erlc ../examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl

Now, we need to put atlast in the ./priv directory, but first we have to get rid of the banner and the prompt.

In atlmain.c comment out PR("ATLAST 1.2 (2007-10-07) This program is in the public domain.\n"); at line 55 and comment out if (!fname) at 162,163,164 and 165. Save and run make again.

In directory cowboy, create a directory priv and copy atlast to it:

cd ~/cowboy
mkdir priv
cp ../atlast-1.2/atlast ./priv

Create a file kwh.atl and put it in the same priv directory with the word definitions for getting kW and W load values from Gertboard:

( The first 25 getkwh is for detecting an edge, drop the result and find next edge. Convert the two integers to float and divide them.  )
( 3.6 divided by the result. The result is load in kilowatts )
: kw 3.6 25 getkwh 2drop 25 getkwh float 2 roll float 2swap f/ f/ ." "kw=" f. cr ;

( The same thing done with integers only, here the result is in W )
: w 25 getkwh 2drop 25 getkwh 36 * swap 100 / / ." "w=" . cr ;

Ok, now we just have to call start.sh again ( sudo is needed by the Gertboard driver, not by Cowboy, and for pure simplicity I take another shortcut and starts the Cowboy with sudo rights. Don't do this in a production environment).

sudo ./start.sh

Point the browser to or whatever ip address you have on your RPi. After a few seconds the W load should show up. I stop here, this is not the right forum to discuss how to make a web gui, lots of other sites can help with that. Have fun :)

Note: The suggested way to call the port directly from examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl is just to make it easy. In a real website with thousands of users you should open the port from a separate process and let it run and serve more than one web call.

External Interfaces - Pi Camera


If you have a PiCamera and wants to have a picture on a web page. The cool thing with this is that it's in real time, it is not a file that is served but a new picture is taken when you do the web call. Check that /opt/vc/bin/raspistill works on your system, then replace the code in examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl with the following: (Then follow the Gertboard example for compiling and running).

%% @doc Hello world handler.


init(_Transport, Req, []) ->
        {ok, Req, undefined}.

handle(Req, State) ->
  Port = open_port({spawn, "/opt/vc/bin/raspistill -t 2 -w 1024 -h 768 -o -"}, [binary]),
  Str = loop(Port,<<>>), 
  {ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(200, [], Str, Req),
  {ok, Req2, State}.

terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) ->

loop(Port,Frame) ->
    {Port, {data, Chunk}} -> 
      Size = byte_size(Chunk) - 2,
      case Chunk of 
        <<_:Size/binary,255,217>> -> Framestring = base64:encode_to_string(<<Frame/binary,Chunk/binary>>),
                  "<html><img src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64," ++ Framestring ++ "'></html>";
    _ -> loop(Port,<<Frame/binary,Chunk/binary>>)
  after 20*1000 -> "<html>timeout</html>"

Note: The suggested way to call the port directly from examples/hello_world/src/toppage_handler.erl is just to make it easy. In a real website with thousands of users you should open the port from a separate process and let it run and serve more than one web call.


raspivid can create an h264 video file, and with the command line parameter -o - it will stream to stdout. Below is an Erlang module that takes this stream, slices it in 10 second chunks and sends these slices over a websocket connection to a webserver.

% Takes a stream from raspivid and sends 10 second chunks over a websocket to a webserver as a binary message
start() -> spawn_link(?MODULE,init,[]).

init() ->
	process_flag(trap_exit, true),
        websocket_client:start_link("wss://localhost", ?MODULE, []).
	open_port({spawn, "raspivid -n -t 600000 -g 250 -w 320 -h 240 -pf 'baseline' -fps 25 -ih -qp 30 -o -"}, [binary,eof]),

loop(Data) ->
		{_, {data, Data1}}  ->
			Rest1 = case binary:split(<<Data/binary,Data1/binary>>,?BOUNDARY,[global]) of 
				[_,Chunk,Rest] -> websocket_client:cast(self(),{binary,<<5,?BOUNDARY/binary,Chunk/binary>>}),
				_ -> <<Data/binary,Data1/binary>>
		{_,eof} -> ok;
		{'EXIT', _Pid0, Why} -> io:format("In ~p raspivid crash: ~p~n",[?MODULE,Why]);
		_Any -> 
	after 15000 ->
		io:format("~p timeout~n",[?MODULE])

Save the code in a file raspivid.erl and compile.

I am using https://github.com/jeremyong/websocket_client as websocket client and Cowboy as websocket server.

External Interfaces - Onewire

This is a simple owserver client. It can call dir and print a directory listing from a onewire network. First, you have to install owfs:

sudo apt-get install owfs

Configure owfs in /etc/owfs.conf

Then, save a file, onewire.erl with the following content:


start() -> spawn_link(?MODULE,init,[]).

init() ->
	io:format("New process: ~p~n", [?MODULE]),
	{ok,Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", 4304, [binary, {packet, 0}]),
	Version = 0,
	Type = 10,
	Control_flags = 36,
	Size = 1024,
	Offset = 0,
	Raw = <<"/",0>>,
	Payload = size(Raw),
	ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket,<<Version:32,Payload:32,Type:32,Control_flags:32,Size:32,Offset:32,Raw/binary>>),

loop(Socket) ->
		{tcp,Socket,Bin} -> Dir = get_directory(Bin),
			io:format("In ~p: Dir is: ~p~n",[?MODULE,Dir]),
		{ow_dir,Raw,Pid} -> 
			Version = 0,
			Type = 10, % get
			Control_flags = 36,
			Size = 1024,
			Offset = 0,
			Payload = size(Raw),
			ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket,<<Version:32,Payload:32,Type:32,Control_flags:32,Size:32,Offset:32,Raw/binary>>),
			receive {tcp,Socket,Bin} -> Dir = get_directory(Bin), Pid ! {ow_dir,Dir} after 10000 -> ok end,
		{tcp_closed,_} -> ok;
		Any -> io:format("~p got unknown msg: ~p~n",[?MODULE, Any]),

% Function get_directory(Bin)
get_directory(Bin) ->
get_dir(<<>>,Dir) -> Dir;
get_dir(<<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, Return_value:32/signed-integer,Rest/binary>>,_Dir) when Return_value /= 0 -> 
	io:format("Return value is: ~p and Rest is: ~p~n",[Return_value,Rest]);
get_dir(<<_Version:32,_Payload:32,0:32,_Control_flags:32,Size:32,_Offset:32,Raw:Size/binary,0,Rest/binary>>,Dir) ->
get_dir(<<_Version:32,Payload:32,Return_value:32,_Control_flags:32,_Size:32,_Offset:32,Raw:Payload/binary>>,Dir) ->
	io:format("Return value is: ~p and Raw is: ~p~n",[Return_value,Raw]),

Compile the file with: erlc onewire.erl Start an Erlang console with erl and type onewire:start(). and you should see a listing of your onewire network.

Another Erlang module can send this message to onewire: {ow_dir,<<"/",0>>,self()} and get back a directory listing.