Leapster Explorer

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Revision as of 02:10, 18 July 2011 by Jrspruitt (talk | contribs) (Tutorials/How To's)
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We are currently in the process of upgraded and organizing these pages, please forgive the mess, thank you.

The Leapster Explorer (Leapfrog Enterprises)


LeapFrog Pollux Platform

The Leapster Explorer is part of 3 different devices that all share a common hardware platform, based around the Pollux SoC. The platform page contains information generic across these devices, and it is recommended that you refer to that page as it is a good starting point to understanding the Leapster Explorer, and contains some basic How To's and Tutorials to get you started.

Project Summary

The Leapster Explorer (like its predecessor the Didj) is a toy produced by Leapfrog marketed as an educational handheld gaming console for kids aged 4-9. Although it has a proprietary graphical front end, it runs a generic Linux distribution on the same ARM9-based processor as the Didj. Console access to the Explorer is achieved using the same method as found on the Didj.

Lots more information on the Didj

Source Code

Explorer Source Code

Tutorials/How To's

clean up note: Finished


clean up note: Unfinished



Booting From External Sources

Adding Device Drivers and Packages

Building SDL



Technical Information


Leapster Explorer Memory Map

File System Contents List

Contents of erootfs version

Contents of erootfs version

Contents of erootfs version
