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This page contains information on building and running Yocto on:


Yocto versions

Poky-2.1.3 is supported with Yocto v2.23.1
Poky-2.4.2 is supported with Yocto v3.9.0
Specific commit of meta-openembedded is required.

Preliminary steps

  1. Download evaluation version of proprietary graphics and multimedia drivers from Renesas.

    To download Multimedia and Graphics library and related Linux drivers, please use the following link:

    Graphic drivers are required for Wayland. Multimedia drivers are optional.

  2. Install required packages

    Ubuntu and Debian
    sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
         build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm python-crypto cpio python python3 \
         python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping libssl-dev


    sudo yum install gawk make wget tar bzip2 gzip python unzip perl patch \
         diffutils diffstat git cpp gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel texinfo chrpath \
         ccache perl-Data-Dumper perl-Text-ParseWords perl-Thread-Queue socat \
         SDL-devel xterm python-crypto cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect \
         ghc-lzma-conduit iputils openssl

    Refer to Yocto Project Quick Start for more information.

Building the BSP for Renesas ADAS boards

  1. Create a directory and switch to it
    Warning! Yocto builds require a lot of disk space (up to 100 GB). Make sure you have got enough before starting the build.
    mkdir build
    cd build
    export WORK=`pwd`
  2. Clone basic Yocto layers:
    cd $WORK
    git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
    git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
    git clone git://git.linaro.org/openembedded/meta-linaro.git
    git clone git://github.com/renesas-rcar/meta-renesas
    git clone git://github.com/CogentEmbedded/meta-rcar.git
  3. Switch to proper branches/commits
    1. For Yocto v2.23.1
      cd $WORK/poky
      git checkout -b tmp yocto-2.1.3
      cd $WORK/meta-openembedded
      git checkout -b tmp 55c8a76da5dc099a7bc3838495c672140cedb78e
      cd $WORK/meta-linaro
      git checkout -b tmp 2f51d38048599d9878f149d6d15539fb97603f8f
      cd $WORK/meta-renesas
      git checkout -b tmp 7acbf5e2f99c59478adbc73c6a40d314589a3009

      For BSPv1:

      cd $WORK/meta-rcar
      git checkout -b v2.23.1 dd06e952c5efab2914849b703a94f8b5e63bec86

      For BSPv2:

      cd $WORK/meta-rcar
      git checkout -b v2.23.1 6e20109305ec77801f98e3a5e720ccbf507dc738

      For BSPv3:

      cd $WORK/meta-rcar
      git checkout -b v2.23.1 ccb06bb38ecd0907867b8f81ef610c5bfefd02ab
    2. For Yocto v3.9.0
      cd $WORK/poky
      git checkout -b tmp 342fbd6a3e57021c8e28b124b3adb241936f3d9d
      cd $WORK/meta-openembedded
      git checkout -b tmp dacfa2b1920e285531bec55cd2f08743390aaf57
      cd $WORK/meta-linaro
      git checkout -b tmp 75dfb67bbb14a70cd47afda9726e2e1c76731885
      cd $WORK/meta-renesas
      git checkout -b tmp fd078b6ece537d986852cb827bd21e022a797b2f
      cd $WORK/meta-rcar
      git checkout -b v3.9.0 remotes/origin/v3.9.0

    Another versions are not tested for compatibility. Legacy BSP instruction can be found here R-Car Yocto Gen3 legacy

  4. Mandatory step for Yocto v2.23.1 Git repository of ca-certification package moved to another location. This patch changes to right mirror.
    export PATCH_DIR=$WORK/meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/docs/sample/patch
    cd $WORK/poky
    patch -p1 < ${PATCH_DIR}/0004-ca-certificates-git-repo-moved-to-another-location.patch
  5. Optional step only for Yocto v2.23.1. Apply Linaro-GCC patch file and patches for out of network build ability:
    export PATCH_DIR=$WORK/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/patch/patch-for-linaro-gcc
    cd $WORK/meta-renesas
    patch -p1 < ${PATCH_DIR}/0001-rcar-gen3-add-readme-for-building-with-Linaro-Gcc.patch
    export PATCH_DIR=$WORK/meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/docs/sample/patch
    cd $WORK/meta-linaro
    patch -p1 < ${PATCH_DIR}/0001-meta-linaro-python-wand-fix-BB_NO_NETWORK-build.patch
    cd $WORK/meta-renesas
    patch -p1 < ${PATCH_DIR}/0002-meta-renesas-gstreamer-fix-BB_NO_NETWORK-build.patch
    cd $WORK/poky
    patch -p1 < ${PATCH_DIR}/0003-poky-bitbake-gitsm-fix-BB_NO_NETWORK-build.patch
    unset PATCH_DIR
  6. Download proprietary driver modules to $WORK/proprietary folder.
    You should see the following files:
    1. For Yocto v2.23.1
      $ ls -1 $WORK/proprietary
    2. For Yocto v3.9.0
      $ ls -1 $WORK/proprietary/*.zip
  7. Populate meta-renesas with proprietary software packages.
    export PKGS_DIR=$WORK/proprietary
    cd $WORK/meta-renesas
    sh meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/copyscript/copy_evaproprietary_softwares.sh -f $PKGS_DIR
    unset PKGS_DIR
  8. Setup build environment
    cd $WORK
    source poky/oe-init-build-env
  9. Prepare default configuration files.
    1. For Yocto v2.23.1
      cp $WORK/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/conf/<salvator-x|h3ulcb|m3ulcb>/linaro-gcc/mmp/*.conf ./conf/
      cd $WORK/build
      cp conf/local-wayland.conf conf/local.conf
    2. For Yocto v3.9.0
      cp $WORK/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/conf/<h3ulcb|m3ulcb>/poky-gcc/mmp/*.conf ./conf/
      cd $WORK/build
      cp conf/local-wayland.conf conf/local.conf
  10. Edit $WORK/build/conf/local.conf to enable/disable graphics and multimedia proprietary drivers support
  11. Edit local.conf to choose machine extension variant
  12. For ULCB ADAS boards only:

    1. Edit local.conf to select special IO configuration:
      MACHINE_FEATURES_append = " h3ulcb-had" (use this append for ADAS HAD IO configuration)
  13. Edit local.conf with evaluation packages requirements:
    1. For Yocto v2.23.1 and later (to enable EVA_ prefix during packages install)
      DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " use_eva_pkg"
  14. Add layer meta-rcar
    bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3-adas
  15. Start the build
    bitbake core-image-weston
  16. Building image can take up to a few hours depending on your host system performance.
    After the build has been completed successfully, you should see the output similar to:
    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 4704 tasks of which 31 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.

    and the command prompt should return.

  17. Bitbake has generated all the necessary files in ./tmp/deploy/images directory.
    You can verify its content:
    $ ls -1 `find ./tmp/deploy/images/h3ulcb/ -maxdepth 1 -type l -print`

    Image is a Kernel image, *.dtb is a blob file, core-image-weston-h3ulcb.tar.bz2 is the rootfs, modules-h3ulcb.tgz are kernel modules.

  18. You can now proceed with running Yocto images:
    1. For View ADAS Starter Kit board:
    2. For HAD ADAS board:
    3. For ULCB Kingfisher ADAS boards:
    4. For Videobox ADAS board:
    5. For V3M Eagle board:
    6. For V3M Starter Kit board:
    7. For V3H Condor board:
    8. For V3H Starter Kit board:
  19. NOTE: prefix -es1- is a blob to be used with ws1.0/ws1.1 silicon. The blob without prefix is for ws2.0 silicon.

OpenCV support

OpenCV version 2.4.11 is enabled in build by default on Yocto v2.23.1 OpenCV version 3.2 is enabled in build by default on Yocto v3.9.0 To disable Opencv add this line in your local.conf:

DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = " opencv-sdk "

To build with OpenCV 3.2, don't add the previous line, but provide preffered version 3.2 in local.conf:

PREFERRED_VERSION_opencv = "3.2+git%"

OpenCL support

The following page describes how to enable OpenCL and Caffe support: R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3/OpenCL

Build SDK

After building BSP you may build SDK:

bitbake core-image-weston -c populate_sdk

After build finished the SDK installation script may be found in following path:


Install SDK by run the following command and follow instructions on the screen:


Build BSP without network

Supported only in Ycoto v2.23.1 yet.
After building BSP you may archive gits and download cache and proceed developing without network.
Make sure that build that you completed online included all patches from step#4 of http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Building_the_BSP_for_Renesas_ADAS_boards
Archive the following folders:

cd $WORK/build
tar cfj bsp.v2.23.1.tar.bz2 meta-linaro meta-openembedded meta-rcar meta-renesas poky build/downloads

Unpack archive on machine without network access and proceed building starting from step#5 of http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Building_the_BSP_for_Renesas_ADAS_boards
Before step #13 add this option to local.conf: BB_NO_NETWORK=1

mkdir build
cd build
tar xfj <path_to_archive>/bsp.v2.23.1.tar.bz2

Running Yocto images

Linux kernel can be booted from microSD card or from TFTP. Root FS can be mounted from micro SD card or via NFS.

Loading kernel via TFTP and rootfs via NFS

Follow these steps to setup working TFTP and NFS server:

  1. Setup a TFTP server.


    Install tftpd-hpa package along with tftp tools:

    sudo apt-get install tftp tftpd-hpa


    1. Install necessary packages:
      sudo yum install tftp-server tftp

      tftp-server is a part of xinetd. See Fedora manual for more information.

    2. Enable TFTP server:
      sudo vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftp 
      disable = no
      Save file and exit.
    3. Start xinetd:
      sudo systemctl start xinetd.service
      sudo systemctl enable xinetd.service
  2. Copy Image and Image-r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb (for ws2.0 silicon) and/or Image-r8a7795-es1-h3ulcb.dtb (for ws1.1) from $WORK/build/tmp/deploy/images/h3ulcb/ to TFTP server root.


    cp $WORK/build/tmp/deploy/images/h3ulcb/Image /srv/tftp/
    cp $WORK/build/tmp/deploy/images/h3ulcb/Image-r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb /srv/tftp/


    cp $WORK/build/tmp/deploy/images/h3ulcb/Image /var/lib/tftpboot/
    cp $WORK/build/tmp/deploy/images/h3ulcb/Image-r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb /var/lib/tftpboot/
  3. Verify that TFTP server is working.
    tftp localhost -c get Image && ls Image
  4. Setup NFS server.


    1. Install necessary packages:
      sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common
    2. Start NFS server:
      sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start


    1. Install necessary packages:
      sudo yum install nfs-utils
    2. Enable and start nfs server:
      sudo systemctl enable rpcbind.service 
      sudo systemctl enable nfs-server.service 
      sudo systemctl enable nfs-lock.service 
      sudo systemctl enable nfs-idmap.service
      sudo systemctl start rpcbind.service 
      sudo systemctl start nfs-server.service 
      sudo systemctl start nfs-lock.service 
      sudo systemctl start nfs-idmap.service
  5. Export root FS to NFS. (Change IMAGE and MACHINE to fit your build).
    1. Unpack rootfs to a dedicated directory:
      sudo mkdir -p "${NFS_ROOT}"
      sudo rm -rf "${NFS_ROOT}"/*
      sudo tar -xjf "${WORK}/build/tmp/deploy/images/${MACHINE}/core-image-${IMAGE}-${MACHINE}-*.tar.bz2" -C "${NFS_ROOT}"
    2. Edit /etc/exports:
      sudo vi /etc/exports


      /nfs/h3ulcb	*(rw,no_subtree_check,sync,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)
      /nfs/salvator-x	*(rw,no_subtree_check,sync,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)

      Save the file and exit.

    3. Force NFS server to re-read /etc/exports
      sudo exportfs -a
  6. Verify that NFS is working.
    [builduser@buildmachine ~]$ showmount -e localhost
    Export list for localhost:
    /nfs/h3ulcb *
    /nfs/salvator-x *
  7. Boot into U-Boot command prompt
    1. Connect to serial console over microUSB using minicom or picocom.
    2. Switch the board on or reset it. Press any key to stop U-Boot automatic countdown.

    Refer to H3SK board page, M3SK board page, Salvator-X board page for more information.

  8. Configure Ethernet, TFTP, and kernel command line in U-Boot:
    setenv ipaddr <board-ip>
    setenv serverip <your-computer-ip>
    setenv bootcmd 'tftp 0x48080000 Image; tftp 0x48000000 Image-r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb; booti 0x48080000 - 0x48000000'
    setenv bootargs 'ignore_loglevel rw root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=<your-computer-ip>:<nfs-path>,nfsvers=3 ip=<board-ip>:<your-computer-ip>::'

    Replace <board-ip> with the proper IP address for the board. Replace <your-computer-ip> with the IP address of your computer, where tftp and nfs servers are installed. Replace <nfs-path> with the exported path of the root FS.
    For example:

    setenv ipaddr
    setenv serverip
    setenv bootcmd 'tftp 0x48080000 Image; tftp 0x48000000 Image-r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb; booti 0x48080000 - 0x48000000'
    setenv bootargs 'ignore_loglevel rw root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,nfsvers=3 ip='

    You can also use


    command to obtain information from DHCP server.
    Note: You can always see the environment with printenv command. Refer to U-Boot manual for details.

  9. Verify the connection over Ethernet from U-Boot:
    ping <your-computer-ip>

    You should see:

    => ping    
    ravb:0 is connected to ravb.  Reconnecting to ravb
    ravb Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete.. done
    ravb: 100Base/Full
    Using ravb device
    host is alive
  10. Reset the board by pushing reset button
    Refer to H3SK board page, M3SK board page, Salvator-X board page for more information.
  11. The board should boot the kernel:
    NOTICE:  BL2: R-Car Gen3 Initial Program Loader(CA57) Rev.1.0.10
    NOTICE:  BL2: PRR is R-Car H3 ES1.0
    NOTICE:  BL2: Boot device is HyperFlash(80MHz)
    NOTICE:  BL2: LCM state is CM
    NOTICE:  BL2: AVS setting succeeded. DVFS_SetVID=0x52
    NOTICE:  BL2: DDR1600(rev.0.10)
    NOTICE:  BL2: DRAM Split is 4ch
    NOTICE:  BL2: QoS is default setting(rev.0.32)
    NOTICE:  BL2: Lossy Decomp areas
    NOTICE:       Entry 0: DCMPAREACRAx:0x80000540 DCMPAREACRBx:0x570
    NOTICE:       Entry 1: DCMPAREACRAx:0x40000000 DCMPAREACRBx:0x0
    NOTICE:       Entry 2: DCMPAREACRAx:0x20000000 DCMPAREACRBx:0x0
    NOTICE:  BL2: v1.1(release):c2f9fc9
    NOTICE:  BL2: Built : 00:36:25, Nov 20 2016
    NOTICE:  BL2: Normal boot
    NOTICE:  BL2: dst=0xe631a1a8 src=0x8180000 len=512(0x200)
    NOTICE:  BL2: dst=0x43f00000 src=0x8180400 len=6144(0x1800)
    NOTICE:  BL2: dst=0x44000000 src=0x81c0000 len=65536(0x10000)
    NOTICE:  BL2: dst=0x44100000 src=0x8200000 len=524288(0x80000)
    NOTICE:  BL2: dst=0x50000000 src=0x8640000 len=1048576(0x100000)
    U-Boot 2015.04 (Nov 20 2016 - 00:54:11)
    CPU: Renesas Electronics R8A7795 rev 1.0
    Board: H3ULCB
    I2C:   ready
    DRAM:  3.9 GiB
    MMC:   sh-sdhi: 0, sh-sdhi: 1
    In:    serial
    Out:   serial
    Err:   serial
    Net:   ravb
    Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
    ravb Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete.. done
    ravb: 100Base/Full
    BOOTP broadcast 1
    BOOTP broadcast 2
    BOOTP broadcast 3
    DHCP client bound to address (1287 ms)
    Using ravb device
    TFTP from server; our IP address is
    Filename 'Image'.
    Load address: 0x48080000
    Loading: #################################################################
             627 KiB/s
    Bytes transferred = 13905920 (d43000 hex)
    ravb:0 is connected to ravb.  Reconnecting to ravb
    ravb Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete. done
    ravb: 100Base/Full
    Using ravb device
    TFTP from server; our IP address is
    Filename 'Image-r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb'.
    Load address: 0x48000000
    Loading: #############
             12.7 KiB/s
    Bytes transferred = 66470 (103a6 hex)
    ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 48000000
       Booting using the fdt blob at 0x48000000
       Using Device Tree in place at 0000000048000000, end 00000000480133a5
    Starting kernel ...                                                                                                                         

How to prepare and boot from eMMC/SD card

This section describes steps that are necessary for preparing and booting from SD card.

Preparing eMMC/SD card

In order to prepare you SD card, follow these instructions on host machine:

1. Partion your SD card to set 1 partition and ID=83 (Linux)
Make sure the SD card doesn't contain any important files.
WARNING! These steps may erase the SD card completely. All files my be lost.

$ fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
-> d
-> n
-> p
-> 1
-> t
-> 83

2. Format this partition to ext3 (or ext4)

$ mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p1

3. Mount this partition on your host to any directory and upack the core-image-weston-*.tar.bz2 into mounted folder.

$ mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
$ cd <your_yocto_build_directory>
$ tar xfj  build/tmp/deploy/images/h3ulcb/core-image-weston-h3ulcb-*.rootfs.tar.bz2  -C /mnt

NOTE: probably you need to be a root user, hence use "sudo"

Configure U-Boot to boot from SD card

Proper U-Boot command to boot from SD:

# setenv bootargs 'rw root=/dev/mmcblk1p1 rootfstype=ext3 rootwait consoleblank=0 log_buf_len=1M'
# ext2load mmc 0:1 0x48080000 /boot/Image
# ext2load mmc 0:1 0x48000000 /boot/Image-r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb
# booti 0x48080000 - 0x48000000'

Example of U-Boot environment variables:

bootargs_emmc=rw root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootfstype=ext3 rootwait
bootargs_nfs=rw root=/dev/nfs rootwait ip=dhcp
bootargs_sd0=rw root=/dev/mmcblk1p1 rootfstype=ext3 rootwait
bootcmd=run bootcmd_sd0
bootcmd_emmc=set bootargs ${bootargs_emmc};ext2load mmc 1:1 0x48080000 /boot/Image;ext2load mmc 1:1 0x48000000 /boot/${dtb};run booti_cmd
bootcmd_nfs=set bootargs ${bootargs_nfs};bootp 0x48080000 Image;tftp 0x48000000 ${dtb};run booti_cmd
bootcmd_sd0=set bootargs ${bootargs_sd0};ext2load mmc 0:1 0x48080000 /boot/Image;ext2load mmc 0:1 0x48000000 /boot/${dtb};run booti_cmd
booti_cmd=booti 0x48080000 - 0x48000000
ver=U-Boot 2015.04 (Sep 23 2016 - 13:45:29)
Environment size: 1092/131068 bytes

To verify the SD card, type the following in U-Boot prompt:

=> mmc dev 0 
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
=> mmc info
Device: sh-sdhi
Manufacturer ID: 3
OEM: 5344
Name: SL64G 
Tran Speed: 50000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 3.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 59.5 GiB
Bus Width: 4-bit
Erase Group Size: 512 Bytes
=> ext2ls mmc 0:1 /boot
<DIR>       4096 .
<DIR>       4096 ..
<SYM>         32 Image
        14039040 Image-4.6.0-yocto-standard
           69584 Image-r8a7795-h3ulcb.dtb

Build scripts examples

  1. Build preparation
    1. For Yocto v2.23.1
      mkdir sources || exit
      cd sources
      echo $WORK
      git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
      git clone git://git.linaro.org/openembedded/meta-linaro.git
      git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
      git clone git://github.com/renesas-rcar/meta-renesas.git
      git clone git://github.com/CogentEmbedded/meta-rcar.git
      cd $WORK/poky
      git checkout -b tmp yocto-2.1.3
      cd $WORK/meta-linaro
      git checkout -b tmp 2f51d38048599d9878f149d6d15539fb97603f8f
      cd $WORK/meta-openembedded
      git checkout -b tmp 55c8a76da5dc099a7bc3838495c672140cedb78e
      cd $WORK/meta-renesas
      git checkout -b tmp 7acbf5e2f99c59478adbc73c6a40d314589a3009
      cd $WORK/meta-rcar
      git checkout -b v2.23.1-release3 remotes/origin/v2.23.1-release3
      cd $WORK/poky
      export PATCH_DIR=${WORK}/meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/docs/sample/patch
      patch -p1 < ${PATCH_DIR}/0004-ca-certificates-git-repo-moved-to-another-location.patch
      unset PATCH_DIR
    2. For Yocto v3.9.0
      mkdir build || exit
      cd build
      echo $WORK
      git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
      git clone git://git.linaro.org/openembedded/meta-linaro.git
      git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
      git clone git://github.com/renesas-rcar/meta-renesas
      git clone git://github.com/CogentEmbedded/meta-rcar.git
      cd $WORK/poky
      git checkout -b tmp 342fbd6a3e57021c8e28b124b3adb241936f3d9d
      cd $WORK/meta-linaro
      git checkout -b tmp 75dfb67bbb14a70cd47afda9726e2e1c76731885
      cd $WORK/meta-openembedded
      git checkout -b tmp dacfa2b1920e285531bec55cd2f08743390aaf57
      cd $WORK/meta-renesas
      git checkout -b tmp fd078b6ece537d986852cb827bd21e022a797b2f
      cd $WORK/meta-rcar
      git checkout -b v3.9.0 remotes/origin/v3.9.0
      cd $WORK/
      cd $WORK/meta-renesas
      #sh meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/copyscript/copy_proprietary_softwares.sh -f $PKGS_DIR
      sh meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/copyscript/copy_evaproprietary_softwares.sh -f $PKGS_DIR
  2. Building yocto
    1. For Yocto v2.23.1
      case "$1" in
      "eagle" | "v3hsk" | "v3msk" | "condor")
          echo "Use build configuration for $1 board"
          echo "Provide board name. Supported boards: eagle, v3hsk, v3msk, condor."
          exit -1
      cd sources || exit -1
      echo $WORK
      cd $WORK
      source poky/oe-init-build-env
      cp $WORK/meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/docs/sample/conf/$BOARD/linaro-gcc/bsp/*.conf ./conf/.
      echo "The build directory is $(pwd) "
      bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3-adas
      bitbake core-image-minimal
      bitbake core-image-minimal -c populate_sdk
    1. For Yocto v3.9.0
      cd build
      echo $WORK
      cd $WORK
      source poky/oe-init-build-env
      #cp $WORK/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/conf/h3ulcb/poky-gcc/bsp/*.conf ./conf/.
      #cp $WORK/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/conf/h3ulcb/poky-gcc/gfx-only/*.conf ./conf/.
      cp $WORK/meta-renesas/meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/conf/h3ulcb/poky-gcc/mmp/*.conf ./conf/.
      cd $WORK/build
      cp conf/local-wayland.conf conf/local.conf
      echo "DISTRO_FEATURES_append = \" use_eva_pkg\"" >> $WORK/build/conf/local.conf
      # uncomment for ADAS HAD board only:
      #echo "MACHINE_FEATURES_append = \" h3ulcb-had\"" >> $WORK/build/conf/local.conf
      bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3-adas
      bitbake core-image-weston
      bitbake core-image-weston -c populate_sdk

Flashing firmware

In case you have absolutely new R-Car H3 or M3 board, you need to update firmware. Please refer to page R-Car H3SK or R-Car M3SK for the instructions on flashing firmware.

CMA (contiguous memory allocator)

Available in BSPv3 and later versions only

For V3M and V3H based boards (Eagle, Condor, V3MSK and V3HSK) size of default CMA area used by generic Linux drivers (such as VIN, USB, etc.) and MMNGR driver (to allocate contiguous buffers on user-space e.g. for IMP and IMR) can be adjusted using standard 'cma' command line option. See 'Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt' file in Linux kernel source code for details. Default size of the CMA memory on these boards is 256Mb.

On other Gen3 boards CMA default area is defined in device tree. To adjust it's size device tree source need to be modified and rebuilt.

ADAS test applications

SurroundView GPU version

  1. Clone and build sv-utest application (see the README.md file as well):
    git clone https://github.com/CogentEmbedded/sv-utest.git
    cd sv-utest
    . <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux 
    mkdir build
    cd build
  2. Copy the resulted binaries on rootfs. As example, for SD card:
    mkdir <mountpoint>/home/root/sv
    sudo cp sv-utest/bin/sv-utest <mountpoint>/usr/bin/
    sudo cp sv-utest/libs/gen3/libsv.so <mountpoint>/usr/lib/
    sudo cp -r sv-utest/resources/* <mountpoint>/home/root/sv/
  3. See the manual for instructions R-Car Surround View manual on how to run and use SurroundView application. In short:
    cd /home/root/sv
    sv-utest -v /dev/video0,/dev/video1,/dev/video2,/dev/video3 
  4. By default 1280x800 resolution is used for cameras, but you can change it with --camres option:
    sv-utest -v /dev/video0,/dev/video1,/dev/video2,/dev/video3 --camres 1280x1080

SurroundView IMR version

  1. Save mesh object file from the GPU SurroundView: after calibartion and sphere adjusting are done, press S, then "=" on the main 3d view to save mesh file. Mesh object file name is "meshFull.obj" in the current working directory of SurroundView.
  2. Clone and build imr-sv-utest application (see the README.md file as well):
    git clone https://github.com/CogentEmbedded/imr-sv-utest.git
    cd imr-sv-utest
    . <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux 
    mkdir build
    cd build

    IMR SuroundView executable stored ../bin directory.

  3. It's need to generate png files with car model images before running IMR SurroundView. Copy executable "gen" from "prebuilt/GEN3" directory to the H3 board. Example of generation png files with car (avalaible only for Gen3):
    ./gen -w <width> -h <height> -c <color> -o <path to store> -s <positions> -m <car object> \
    -l <car length> -S <shadow rectangle> -d <debug>
    ./gen -w 1920 -h 1080  -c 0x404040FF -o ./data/model -s 8:32:8 -m Car.obj -l 1.0  -S -0.2:-0.10:0.2:0.10
  4. Run the IMR SurroundView with the generated png files: For 4-cameras environment:
    ./imr-wl -f uyvy -v /dev/video0,/dev/video1,/dev/video2,/dev/video3 -w 1280 -h 800 -W 1920 -H 1080 \
    	-r /dev/video4,/dev/video5,/dev/video6,/dev/video7,/dev/video4,/dev/video5,/dev/video6,/dev/video7 -m ./data/model \
           -M meshFull.obj -X 1920 -Y 1080 -S -0.30:-0.10:0.30:0.10 -g 1.0 -s 8:32:8

    For 8-cameras environment:

    ./imr-wl -f uyvy -v /dev/video0,/dev/video1,/dev/video2,/dev/video3 -w 1280 -h 800 -W 1920 -H 1080 \
    	-r /dev/video8,/dev/video9,/dev/video10,/dev/video11,/dev/video8,/dev/video9,/dev/video10,/dev/video11 -m ./data/model \
           -M meshFull.obj -X 1920 -Y 1080 -S -0.30:-0.10:0.30:0.10 -g 1.0 -s 8:32:8

    Run "./imr-wl -h" for options explanation.

8 Camera Demo (GPU + IMR version)

Demo application demonstrates surround view with pre-defined viewpoints on Renesas boards with 4 additional cameras for mirror replacement purposes. First additional camera works as driver monitor.

  1. Save mesh object file from the GPU SurroundView: after calibartion and sphere adjusting are done, press S, then "=" on the main 3d view to save mesh file. Mesh object file name is "meshFull.obj" in the current working directory of SurroundView.
  2. Clone and build 8-cam-imr-gpu-sv-utest application (see the README.md file as well):
    git clone https://github.com/CogentEmbedded/8-cam-imr-gpu-sv-utest.git
    cd 8-cam-imr-gpu-sv-utest
    . <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux 
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../

    Demo executable "sc" stored ../bin directory.

  3. It's need to generate png files with car model images before running IMR SurroundView. Copy executable "gen" from "prebuilt/" directory to the H3 board. Example of generation png files with car (avalaible only for Gen3):
    ./gen -w <width> -h <height> -c <color> -o <path to store> -s <positions> -m <car object> \
    -l <car length> -S <shadow rectangle> -d <debug>
    ./gen -w 1920 -h 1080  -c 0x404040FF -o ./data/model -s 8:32:8 -m Car.obj -l 1.0  -S -0.2:-0.10:0.2:0.10
  4. Copy resources files to directory where application will be runned from "resources/". Copy libdrivermonitor.so and libsv.so from "lib/" directory to rootfs. Copy "resources/adas-utest" directory to /usr/share on rootfs.
  5. Run the application:
    ./sc -W 1920 -H 1080 -m ./data/model -M meshFull.obj -X 1920 -Y 1080 -g 1.0 -b 0x000000 -c config.txt -S -0.20:-0.1:0.20:0.1 -s 8:32:8
  6. To control application with SpaceNav start SpaceNav daemon: spacenavd command. There are 5 widgets on the main screen: main 3d SurroundView screen, DriverMonitor camera, right, left and rear mirror replacement cameras. To change focus on widget press right button on SpaceNav. To change zoom and view on mirror replacement cameras rotate SpaceNav joystick, when widget is in focus. To hide Driver Monitor camera and mirror cameras press and hold left button on joystick, when widget is in focus. To switch to IMR demo press left button on SpaceNav joystick, when main 3d SurroundView in focus. To get back from IMR demo press left button again. To rotate view in IMR demo use joystick or touchscreen.

Camera demo for VIN-IMR-DRM capture pipe

Unit test application demonstrates IMR-DRM usage on systems that have no GPU (r8a7797).
The test application name is 'utest-cam-imr-drm'. The unit test is provided in sources and built within yocto.

  1. The unit test is located on rootfs for core-image-minimal build (tested on V3MSK).
    To launch the application issue the following command with 4 cameras connected:
    $ utest-cam-imr-drm

NOTE: unit test assumes use of 4 cameras at resolution 1280x1080
To use other then 4 amount of cameras, then modify CAMERAS_NUMBER definition in source code (meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-bsp/utest-apps/files/utest-cam-imr-drm.tar.gz)
To use other resolution use parameters 'h' and 'w':

$ utest-cam-imr-drm -w 1280 -h 800

Camera low level tests

It is possible to run low level tests to validate LVDS cameras.
The test application name is 'capture'. The 'capture' is provided in sources and build within yocto.

  1. The test examples are located on rootfs path:
    $ ls -1 /usr/share/tests/

Known issues and limitations