RPi Utilities

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The Raspberry Pi has a large user base, and lots of specialist software and code has been created to make the Raspberry Pi perform certain tasks. This page lists some of the many tools and utilities that Raspberry Pi users may find useful.

Web Interfaces

  • Raspcontrol Gives information about a Raspberry Pi system at a glance (No longer under development).
  • RPi-Monitor A self monitoring application designed to run on Raspberry Pi. It provides an instant view of the status of the system as well as an history of KPI for up to one year.
  • BerryIO Shows system info and also allows control of GPIO ports, A/D and D/A controllers, LCD character displays and network interfaces.
  • WebIOPi Easily adaptable GPIO port control web interface.

Network Utilities

  • Fing Command-line network toolkit to scan and discover devices and services on a network.

Python Packages

  • RPi.GPIO - A module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels.
  • RPIO - Advanced GPIO for the Raspberry Pi. Extends RPi.GPIO with PWM, GPIO interrupts, TCP socket interrupts, command line tools and more.
  • pigpio - A module to control the Pi's GPIOs, PWM for servos, LEDs, and motors, gpio level change callbacks, software serial, and much more. Works on Windows, Macs, as well as Linux.
  • piui - Add a mobile UI to your RaspberryPi project.

Windows Tools

  • PuTTY Windows TTY console. Can connect via SSH and Serial.
  • WinSCP SCP client with a GUI interface and drag-and-drop support.
  • Win32 Disk Imager Simple to use tool used to write distributions to a SD card and can also be used to read an SD card image for back up to a PC.

Logic Analyser

  • piscope A digital waveform viewer for the Pi. Allows the users to see live gpio changes. Invaluable for troubleshooting GPIO problems.