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As I can't find a decent one-page overview of how to get XBMC working on the Raspberry Pi without resorting to downloading a dedicated image, this page should give everyone a hand getting set up (that is, if I am successful...)

The goal is to be able to run XBMC either standalone or under LXDE from the Foundation's Raspbian image.

This guide combines e.g.

Ways of installing XBMC

Getting XBMC from the repos (doesn't work in Wheezy) Building XBMC on the raspi (takes a long time) Building XBMC on a Windows machine (Qemu)

So far I haven't got it running...

Building XBMC from source using Qemu

Since it is unbelievably slow to build XBMC on the Raspberry Pi, I used a Windows machine with Qemu to do the build. Ubuntu cross-compile should work to0, but I didn't try it yet...


After installing OpenVPN follow this guide to create (remember it's name and make sure there's no spaces in it) a network TAP interface http://linuxclues.blogspot.com/2007/06/installing-qemu-on-windows-vista.html

On Windows, create folder structure like so:

D:\Qemu (holding the Qemu-1.2.0-rc0-windows.zip contents)
D:\Qemu\Raspbian (holding the 'kernel-qemu' file and the Raspbian image)

First you need to use qemu-img to resize the img file:

Usage is: qemu-img resize filename size

It helps to temporarily move the wheezy image into D:\Qemu

3.7G seems to be the max you can resize to.

Open comandline and navigate to D:\Qemu

Example: qemu-img resize 2012-09-18-wheezy-raspbian.img 3.7G

Then create a .bat file under D:\Qemu, containing the following launch string:

qemu-system-armw.exe -M versatilepb -cpu arm1136 -m 1024 -kernel raspbian\kernel-qemu -hda raspbian\2012-09-18-wheezy-raspbian.img -net nic -net tap,ifname=TAP0 -append "root=/dev/sda2 panic=1" -serial stdio

Note: Replace TAP0 with whatever your Tap interface is named. I would suggest renaming it to something without spaces. ie. Tap0

Resize the Raspbian rootfs:

Fix raspi-config resize issue with Qemu:

cp /usr/bin/raspi-config ~
sed -i 's/mmcblk0p2/sda2/' ~/raspi-config                                                                              
sed -i 's/mmcblk0/sda/' ~/raspi-config
sudo ~/raspi-config

